Website to accompany Algorithmic Commonplaces

This website is to accompany the book Algorithmic Commonplaces.

Thomas VanDrunen. Algorithmic Commonplaces. Franklin, Beedle and Associates. 2023. Buy it on Amazon.

Algorithmic Commonplaces is a textbook for a second-year course in data structures and algorithms.

Table of contents


All the figures. This document contains all figures from the book with color (magenta), since the print version is monochrome.

Github repository for accompanying code base. Most of the code, including all of the projects, is in Java. Additional examples and some exercises are in C, Python, and Standard ML (SML). It took some last-minute clean up to get to code base ready to be publicly available in time for the publication of the book in March 2023. There still are a few bits and pieces missing (including starter code for many of the exercises in Chapter 4 Graphs). If you find anything not right with the code base---or if you want me to hurry up and push a missing piece that you want---please get in touch with me.

I also plan to make other supplemental material available, especially to support instructors who adopt the book.

Author's webpage. I am an associate professor of computer science at Wheaton College (IL).

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Fri Jun 2 13:08:59 CDT 2023